On Thursday April 8, 2021, the General Secretariat for Formation (SGF) conducted an online meeting with the formators serving in Brazil.
There are currently four friars working in the SGF secretariat. Friar Piotr STANISŁAWCZYK is the SGF Secretary General and Director of Ongoing Formation. He is a member of the Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland (Cracow). Friar Maximilianus SEMBIRING is the SGF Vice-Secretary and Director of Initial Formation. He is a member of the Province of Mary Immaculate in Indonesia. Friar Joseph KACHELEWA is a member of the SGF and a formator for the Seraphicum College in Rome. He is from the Province of the Franciscan Protomartyrs in Zambia. Friar Kazimierz CIEŚLIK is a member of the SGF and a spiritual director at the Seraphicum. He comes from the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Brazil. The meeting was also attended by Friar Rogério PEREIRA XAVIER, the Assistant General for the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC).
The purpose of the meeting was for the participants to get to know each other better. However, it was also an opportunity to ask questions and share various reflections about formation. Future meetings of this type are planned with friar-formators from other Jurisdictions of the Order.
On April 6, a few days earlier, the SGF organized a meeting for the Superiors and Formation Directors of India. The friars discussed the needs and opportunities involved in supporting ongoing formation in that Jurisdiction. That meeting was also attended by Friar Benedetto Seung-jae BAEK, the Assistant General for the Federation of Asian Minors Conventual (FAMC); Friar Adam MĄCZKA, the Rector of the Seraphicum; and Friar Alfred PARAMBAKATHU, the General Assistant of the Secular Franciscan Order.
Friar Piotr STANISŁAWCZYK, SGF Secretary General