From January 31 to February 4, 2019, Friar Jacek CIUPIŃSKI, the Assistant General for the Federatio Europae Mediae et Orientalis (FEMO), together with Friar Dariusz HARASIMOWICZ, the Custos of the Russian General Custody of St. Francis of Assisi, went to Astana, Kazakhstan, for a fraternal visit to the friars of the mission there.
The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the plan to incorporate the mission in Kazakhstan into the Russian General Custody. The topic was discussed with the friars and later, with the Most Reverend Tomasz PETA, Archbishop of Astana, and the Most Reverend Athanasius SCHNEIDER, Auxiliary Bishop of Astana.
During their stay, the visitors talked about their lives with the friars and attended a meeting of religious in Szortandy, about 70 km [44 mi.] from Astana. The meeting was held on February 2, the World Day for Consecrated Life. During the meeting, the Assistant General for the FEMO presented a conference connected with the anniversary, and the Custos preached during the Mass presided over by the Archbishop.
On Sunday, February 3, the visitors had the opportunity to participate in pastoral meetings at the parish.
Friar Jacek CIUPIŃSKI, Assistant General for the FEMO