On April 18-27, 2018, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, the Assistant General for the Federación Conventuales America Latina [FALC] conducted a canonical visitation to the Provincial Custody of St. Bonaventure in Brazil. 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the mission in the Brazilian “Nordeste”.
Friar Carlos TROVARELLI conducted the visitation in anticipation of the Custody’s second Ordinary Custodial Chapter. The Chapter will be held on September 10-14 and November 5- 9, 2018.
The Custody belongs to the Italian Province of St. Francis of Assisi (Central Italy). It has five friaries: São Francisco in Bom Jardim (state of Maranhão), Menino Jesus de Praga in São Luis – Cohama (state of Maranhão), Santo Antônio de Pádua in São Luis – Cohajap (state of Maranhão), São Francisco in São Luis (state of Maranhão), and Beato João Duns Scoto in Fortaleza (state of Ceará).
Besides the grace of the 50th anniversary of the mission’s foundation, the new Custody is enjoying a vocational awakening. This is the result of renewed efforts in youth ministry in recent years. In fact, three of the five friaries are currently set up to accept young men into the first level of formation. Moreover, the Custody is continuing to carry out its mission in the populous parishes of São Luís and Fortaleza. The friars do lay formation ministry in the missionary parish of Bom Jardim, and carry on the social works initiated by Friar Antonio SINIBALDI in São Luís. Friar Antonio SINIBALDI died heroically while rescuing a group of boys during a tragic shipwreck on São Marcos Bay, on September 7, 1987.
The Assistant General visited all the fraternities of the Custody, and celebrated Mass at some of the local parish or Conventual churches.
Each community celebrates the 50th Anniversary over the course of this year. The celebrations commemorate the mission’s founding by six young friars from what was then the Mother Province of Rome, Italy. Solemn celebrations are scheduled in São Luís for June 7-8, 2018. The participants will include the former missionaries, the former Ministers Provincial of the one-time Roman Province and many other special guests.
The canonical visitation ended with a meeting between the Assistant General and the Custodial Definitory. The members of the Definitory are: Friar Clevis MAFRA DOS SANTOS, Custos; Friar Raimundo NOGUEIRA VALDO, Vicar; Friar Carlito SILVA DO NASCIMENTO, Secretary; Friar José Augusto SILVA DO SANTOS, Econom; and Friar David RODRIGUES DO NASCIMENTO, Definitor.
Friar Carlos TROVARELLI Assistant General for the FALC