On Saturday, August 17, 2019, Friar Mario CASTRO MARTÍNEZ, the Minister Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, conferred the ministries of Lector and Acolyte upon some of our confreres. The ceremony took place in the chapel of the Maria Immacolata Post-Novitiate in Mexico City.
The new lectors are Friar Gonzalo GONZÁLEZ NAVARRO (Mexico) and Friar Fredi Martín FRÍAS HERRERA (Peru). The new acolytes are Friar Julio RODRÍGUEZ PÉREZ (Mexico) and Friar Carlos Alberto CATZIN JUÁREZ (Mexico).
These ministries were conferred during the celebration of Evening Prayer I of the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Friar Mario reminded the confreres that these gifts are meant to serve the people of God and bring His presence to them through the Word and the Eucharist. “For this,” he said, “it is necessary to love, value, and more deeply understand the Word of God and the celebration of the Eucharist.” At the end of the celebration, the friars enjoyed some festive and fraternal time together.
May God Most High enlighten and guide these our brothers in their life and service to the people of God.
Friar Fausto de Jesús RAMÍREZ ROSARIO, Provincial Secretary