On April 23-25, 2019, the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF) met in assembly at the Villa St. Martin Jesuit Retreat Center in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Those present included the Ministers Provincial of the four USA Provinces (Our Lady of the Angels [OLA]; Our Lady of Consolation [OLC]; St. Bonaventure [SB]; and St. Joseph of Cupertino [SJC]); the Custodes of the Provincial Custodies of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Canada and Blessed Agnellus of Pisa in Great Britain-Ireland; the Provincial Delegate in Canada [OLA] and the Assistant General for the CFF.
The main topic of the encounter was an examination of the proposed General Statutes in preparation for the upcoming General Chapter. Another topic which was discussed was formation, both initial and ongoing.
The friars in charge of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation [GPIC] and the Militia of the Immaculate [M.I.] gave their reports which were then discussed.
The next meeting of the Federation will be at the General Chapter this May, followed by a gathering in Castro Valley, California, USA, in October.
Friar Jude WINKLER, Assistant General for the CFF