On October 10-14, 2022, the friars of the Provincial Delegation in Peru conducted their annual retreat at the Ignatian Spirituality Center in Lima.

The retreat was led by Friar Piotr STANISŁAWCZYK, the General Delegate for Formation. For their meditations, the friars took part in lectio divina centered on the biblical passages that correspond with the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. There were also plenty of references to our Franciscan spirituality and charism.
As usual on such occasions, the friars also participated in community Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Liturgy of the Hours, the recitation of the Rosary and times to express one’s views. The retreat was carried out in a very fraternal atmosphere. The common meals were a special time for sharing Franciscan joy.
At the end of the retreat, the friars discussed current issues related to the Delegation’s journey so far, especially matters concerning formation and finances, and planned some activities scheduled for the coming months.

Friar Jacek LISOWSKI