On April 16-21, 2018, Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃKSI, the Secretary General for Missionary Animation (SGAM), presented various topics about missionary activity to the novitiate community in Smardzewice and to the post-novitiate community in Łódź, Poland.
This time, the animation of was carried out with help from two Provincial Secretaries: Friar Robert KOZIELSKI, from the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Poland (Gdańsk) and Friar Eugeniusz RÓŻAŃSKI, from the Province of the Immaculate Mother of God in Poland (Warsaw)
The following objectives were proposed at both formation houses:
1. To expand horizons regarding the missions of the Order, through information and reflection inspired by Pope Francis’ Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium.
2. To awaken passion and enthusiasm for missionary work.
3. To explain the mission of the secretariats for missionary animation.
4. To share the testimony of the life and martyrdom of our Blessed Friars Michał TOMASZEK and Zbigniew STRZAŁKOWSKI.
There was also discussion and testimony on the missions in Kenya and Bulgaria.
Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI, SGAM Secretary General