On Saturday, September 21, 2019, six friars from the Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland (Cracow) professed their temporary vows. The ceremony took place in Kalwaria Pacławska, Poland.
The Minister Provincial of Cracow, Friar Marian GOŁĄB, gave a speech thanking the newly professed for their readiness to make such a great self-sacrifice to God. He assured their parents and family members that this event is also a great grace for them, as they have become part of the Franciscan family. “Every month, in every friary, we pray for our parents, relatives, benefactors and friends, both living and deceased.”
Friar Piotr PAWLIK, the Vicar Provincial of the Province of Saints Cyril and Methodius in the Czech Republic prepared the novices for this event by leading them in a spiritual retreat.
The newly professed members of the Province of Cracow are Friars Oleg BONDAR (originally from the Ukraine), Friar Aleksander GOROCHOWSKI (Ukraine), Friar Damian GRABSKI (from Poland), Friar Adam GRUSZCZAK (Poland), Friar Paweł RUSZEL (Poland) and Friar Roman SOLECKI (Poland). The newly professed members of the Province of the Czech Republic are Friars Michał WEŃSKI (originally from Poland) and Jan VÍCHA (from the Czech Republic).
Friar Jan SZEWEK, Province Spokesman
Find out more at: https://www.franciszkanie.pl/artykuly/neoprofesi