On June 13, 2022, Friar Radosław KRAMARSKI successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at the Pontifical John Paul II University in Cracow. Friar Radosław is a member of the Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland (Cracow).
His dissertation was entitled, “Ecological Commitment as a Moral and Social Duty in the Light of Catholic Social Doctrine.” Its objective was to present the issue of environmental protection as an ethical and social duty.
This topic is particularly significant today because the environment is under constant threat. It should be noted that this is a qualitatively interesting and important subject, not only in the field of scientific research, but also in terms of finding possible practical solutions within social life. The topic is innovative because, up to now, there has been no global approach to this problem in the scientific literature from the point of view of Catholic social doctrine. The motivation behind this topic is today’s ecological crisis and the ongoing degradation of the natural world, which give rise to the obligation to take care of endangered ecosystems.
The 180-page dissertation is based on the latest sources and scientific research. It contains five chapters covering the origins of ecological awareness and commitment; the Church’s social doctrine on ecological issues; the priority of ecology of the spirit in Catholic social doctrine; ecological pastoral ministry, and the cooperation of the Church with various ecological institutions.
The dissertation provides very scholarly analysis, synthesis and final conclusions. It is an important voice in today’s debate and discussion on the controversial issues surrounding environmental protection. At the same time, it in no way ideologizes the problems presented, which is a fairly common trend today.
One should note that this voice in the contemporary Church draws upon a deep tradition that stems in particular from the charismatic figure of St. Francis of Assisi and his spiritual followers. The bond Friar Radosław shows between Franciscanism and Catholic social doctrine is certainly an added benefit of this work. The supervisor for the dissertation was Father Tadeusz BORUTKA from the Pontifical John Paul II University in Cracow. The secondary supervisors were Father Paweł BORTKIEWICZ from the Theological Faculty of the Adam MICKIEWICZ University in Poznań, Poland, and Father Henryk SKOROWSKI from the Stefan Cardinal WYSZYŃSKI University in Warsaw. The examination committee was chaired by Father Henryk SŁAWIŃSKI, also from the Pontifical John Paul II University in Cracow.
After the dissertation was presented, those attending heard two reviews from the supervisors who confirmed the high value of the doctoral dissertation and gave it a very positive evaluation.
Next, the members of the examination committee asked Friar Radosław some questions. Some of the other participants at the meeting, lay people as well as clergy, also took advantage of this opportunity.
After Friar Radosław had answered the questions, the examination committee met behind closed doors. After a while, the members emerged to announce their unanimous decision to recommend that the Council of Theological Sciences confer the title “Doctor of Theological Sciences” upon Friar Radosław KRAMARSKI.
Those attending the defense of the doctoral dissertation included: Friar Mariusz KOZIOŁ, the Vicar of the Province of Cracow; Friars Roman BANASIK, Bolesław RACZEK and Piotr CUBER from the Cracow friary; Friar Przemysław JANIK from the Szklarska Poręba friary; Friar Rafał ANTOSZCZUK from the Sanok friary; and Friar Ryszard WRÓBEL from the Wrocław friary. In addition, there were some priests from the Archdiocese of Cracow, the Archdiocese Przemyśl, Poland; the Diocese of Sosnowiec, Poland; and the Diocese of Bielsko-Żywiec, Poland. Also attending were faithful from the parishes in Rychwałd, Dąbrowa Górnicza-Gołonóg and Wrocław, as well as friends and acquaintances of Friar Radosław.
Text and photos: Friar Ryszard WRÓBEL