On January 13-18, 2025, a retreat for cancer patients was conducted at the friary in Niepokalanów Lasek, Poland, a presence of the Province of the Immaculate Mother of God in Poland (Warsaw).

The theme of the retreat was: “Pray, Live in Hope and Don’t Worry.” The event was led by Friar Stanisław Maria PIĘTKA. Twenty-five people attended.
During the retreat, the participants listened to a reflection on the theme of suffering and shared their life experiences. They participated in common prayer, Mass and had the opportunity to receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. Every day had its own special intention, which the sick people mentioned in their prayers.
The sick were also provided medical consultations: they were examined by medical specialists, including Dr. Wiktor CHMIELARCZYK, Dr. Jolanta KLESZCZEWSKA and Dr. Tomasz ŚWITAJ.
Everyone enjoyed singing Christmas carols together, as well as taking walks and sharing meals. Some newcomers joined the retreat family this year because everyone feels safe in the house of the Immaculate Mother and her Son Jesus.

Sister Teresa Maria GRABOŃ, SFMI

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