Provincial Custody of St. Bonaventure in Brazil
Mother Province: Italian Province of St. Francis of Assisi (Central Italy),
former Province of Rome
The mission to northeast Brazil was founded in 1968, and named after St. Bonaventure. In 2014, it was elevated from a Delegation to a Custody. In 1972, it was recognized under civil law as the São Boaventura Educational Association. In 1987, one of its pioneers, Friar Antonio SINIBALDI, heroically sacrificed his life to save seventeen young people who were about to drown. On January 6, 1988, another pioneer, Friar Luis D’ANDREA, was ordained a bishop. The mission currently overlaps the States of Maranhão, Ceará and Piauí. In 2018, the mission celebrated its golden anniversary. Today, the Jurisdiction has twenty-four solemnly professed friars, six simply professed friars, five friaries and one filial House.
Bom Jardim: São Francisco de Assis Friary and Parish
This friary was built by Friar Alessandro PENNACCHI in 1969, and renovated around 2000. The church was constructed a few years before the friary was. This was where the mission first began, in November of 1968, with the arrival of four missionaries: Friars Luigi D’ANDREA, Mario PALONI, Antonio SINIBALDI and Edoardo RORI. At that time, the friars started doing pastoral ministry at three different parishes, in Zé Doca, Chapéu de Couro (now Newton Bello) and Bom Jardim.
At present, the friars are entrusted with the pastoral care of the parish in Bom Jardim. They also direct various social-charitable activities in the area.
Fortaleza: João Duns Scoto Friary and Santo Antônio de Pádua Parish
This friary was opened in 1994, as a formation house for post-novices. After a period of closure, it reopened in 2023. The friars work in the Santo Antônio de Pádua Parish in Fortaleza, the capital of the State of Ceará. They also direct various social-charitable activities in the area.
São Luis: São Francisco de Assis Friary
This friary was opened in 1974. The friars are entrusted with the pastoral care of the parish where Friar Antonio SINIBALDI is buried. They also lead the Obras Sociais [charitable works] Center, dedicated to Friar Antonio himself, where they serve more than three hundred children.
São Luis: Menino Jesus de Praga Friary
This friary was opened in 1973, and is the seat of the Provincial Custody. The friars here carry out pastoral ministry at the Menino Jesus de Prague Church and direct various social-charitable activities in the area.
São Luis: Santo Antônio de Pádua Friary and Parish
The friars have been here since 1996. They are entrusted with the pastoral care of the parish, which has more than 40,000 parishioners. They manage a pharmacy for the poor and direct various social-charitable activities in the area.
Teresina: Santa Clara Filial House and Santa Dulce dos Pobres Parish
This friary was opened in September of 2018. The parish has around 13,000 parishioners. Teresina is the capital of the State of Piauí. It is one of the hottest cities in the mission. The standard of living for the local population is very basic. The friars here are involved in family pastoral care. They encourage tithing (contributing 10% of one’s income to the Church). They minister to the youth of the Charismatic Renewal, work with married couples, altar boys and extraordinary ministers and lead the recitation of the Rosary. The Parish is named after St. Dulce of the Poor and is under the patronage of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Franciscan Missionary Center
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