On Sunday, August 18, 2024, Friar Ciprian SIMON professed his simple vows for one year, thus becoming a member of the Province of St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. in Romania. The event took place in the chapel of the Most Holy Trinity Friary and Novitiate in Pârâul Rece, Romania.

As had been expected for some time, family members, friars and faithful came from all over Romania to attend the event. The Mass began promptly at 11:00 a.m. and was presided over by the Minister Provincial, Friar Damian-Gheorghe PĂTRAȘCU. In his homily, Friar Damian explained why our calling is not a coincidence or anonymous. Rather, we are called by name, as the prophet Samuel was. Moreover, God freely calls us. We are chosen, not generically, but for a specific mission, to live the Holy Gospel within our fraternity and the Church. All this can be accomplished if we do it with love for the Lord Jesus Christ and for the poorest, as our seraphic father St. Francis did.
Immediately after the homily, the Rite of Profession took place. Friar Ciprian promised to live according to the Holy Gospel, in obedience, without anything of his own, and in chastity, following the Rule of St. Francis.
We thank God the Father for this newly professed member of our great Franciscan fraternity.

Friar Anton HERCIU