On Tuesday, May 12, 2020, the Minister General, Friar Carlos A. TROVARELLI, conferred the ministries of lector and acolyte upon a number of student friars. The conferment took place during Mass in the St. Bonaventure Chapel of the Seraphicum International College in Rome.
At the beginning of the celebration, the Guardian of the Seraphicum, Friar Felice FIASCONARO, greeted the Minister General and thanked him for coming. Then he thanked the friars who were about to receive their ministries and invited the entire community to pray for them.
After attending a series of preparatory meetings, five student friars received the Ministry of Lector and four received the Ministry of Acolyte. These ministries are required in order to receive sacred orders.
Lectors in particular are invited to proclaim the Word of God to the liturgical assembly and to help the faithful understand Sacred Scripture. Acolytes, on the other hand, help priests and deacons during liturgical activities. This also implies doing works of charity after the celebration, so that the service offered during the Mass can continue and be extended toward our poorest brothers and sisters.
It was precisely this aspect of service that the Minister General, Friar Carlos, highlighted in his homily, “The Lord is present in the Word and in the sacraments, but he is also present in the poor.” He continued, “The Word and the celebration of the sacraments encourage a man to give generously of himself and to live for the poor.” Referring to the Gospel reading of the day, Friar Carlos went on to explain that freely giving oneself in service is exactly what opens a man’s heart to Jesus. Moreover, the Lord himself promises his peace and hope to all who do this and gives meaning to their lives. Friar Carlos characterized these Christ-centered ministries as being both a gift and a grace, for those who receive them and for the whole Christian community.
The friars who received the Ministry of Lector were: Friars Jadson PEREIRA REGO, Deusdedit SILAYO, James MALISA, Daniel TIENDREBEOGO and Friar Salvatore M. ROBUSTELLI.
Those who received the Ministry of Acolyte were: Friars Robert CALLEJA, Naveen KANDATHIL THOMAS, Jijo BHARALIKULANGARA and Erwin Alexis RAMIREZ ARAUJO.
Seraphicum Press Office