On December 7, 2022, the General Secretariat for Formation (SGF) launched a new lecture series on Franciscan Spirituality entitled, “The History of the Order as a School of Spirituality.”

This course is intended for Polish-speaking Conventual Franciscans. The lecturer for this third edition of the course is Friar Adam MĄCZKA, the Guardian and Rector of the Seraphicum College in Rome.
The first edition of the course was launched in 2020, and was initially aimed at formators. The current edition is open to all interested Polish-speaking friars. The online course will comprise a two-hour class offered once a month. Sixteen friars have registered so far. They live and work in England, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Uganda and Italy. They include teachers, doctoral students, catechists, pastoral workers as well as friars engaged in other activities. The classes are conducted using the Zoom Internet platform. The course proceedings are recorded and later made available to the participants.
Those who are interested in taking part in the upcoming lectures can send a request to:

Friar Piotr STANISŁAWCZYK, General Delegate for Formation