On August 28-29, 2023, the friars of the Provincial Custody of St. Daniel and Companion Martyrs in Italy (Calabria) celebrated their Ordinary Chapter. The event took place at the picturesque Ecce Homo Sanctuary in Mesoraca, Italy. This retreat complex features the venerated statue, “Ecce Homo” sculpted by Friar Umile da Petralia.
The Chapter was presided over by the Vicar Provincial of the Province of St. Agatha and St. Lucy in Italy (Sicily) Friar Salvatore LO CURCIO. Friar Salvatore was standing in for the Minister Provincial of Sicily, Friar Gaspare LA BARBERA, who had tested positive for Covid. Others present included the Assistant General for the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP), Friar Giovanni VOLTAN; the Definitors of the Province of Sicily, the Custos of Calabria, Friar Giorgio TASSON, together with all the friars of his Custody and two young men who are in formation with the Custody, Friars Carmine SURACE and Francesco IANNELLO. They provided service and song at various moments during the Chapter.
On the first day of the Chapter proceedings, reports covering the last four-year term were heard. They were provided by the Assistant General, the Custos, and friars in charge of various custodial services. There was also a report on the finances of the Custody.
On the second day, the Capitulars held discussions. Almost all of the participants thanked the Lord for the five-year journey that the Province of Sicily and the Custody of Calabria took together. Their shared path led to a peaceful unification.
At the end of this long discussion, Friar Gaspare LA BARBERA addressed the Capitulars via an Internet video platform. He stressed the historical importance of this moment and read the decree to implement Motion No. 15 of the 202nd Ordinary General Chapter, regarding the unification of the Jursdictions of southern Italy, particularly Calabria and Sicily. Thus, the new Province was established. It was an emotional moment and the assembly broke into applause.
Next, the Minister Provincial announced those friars who were appointed Guardians of the communities and others being transferred:
– Friar Antonio CARUSO is the Guardian and Pastor at the San Francesco di Paola Friary in Castrovillari.
– Friar Rocco PREDOTI is the Guardian and Pastor at the Sacro Cuore di Gesù Friary in Catanzaro Lido.
– Friar Giuseppe MONTESANTO is the Guardian at the Madonna del Rosario Friary in Palmi.
The Guardians made their profession of faith and swore their oath of office before the Praeses of the Chapter. After that, there was a final prayer commemorating the friars who died over the last four years.
We entrust this new Italian Province of the Immaculate Conception (Sicily and Calabria) to the Immaculate Virgin, after whom it is named. This change shall take effect on December 13, 2023. It will be an occasion of great joy.
Friar Rosario TERRANOVA, Provincial Secretary