From July 11-15, 2022, the friars of the Province of Our Lady of the Angels in the USA (OLA) gathered at the Maritime Center in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, for the second part of their Ordinary Provincial Chapter. There were sixty-eight delegates present.
The Chapter began with a morning of recollection presented by the Most Reverend John CORRIVEAU, OFM Cap., Bishop Emeritus of Nelson, British Columbia, Canada and a former Minister General of the Capuchin Friars. Bishop CORRIVEAU spoke about the need to make Jesus the center of any choice for renewal that the friars might adopt. This topic was taken up again throughout the Chapter, during discussions about the Provincial Four-Year Plan. Particular focus was placed on the need for individual and communal conversion.
The third day of the Chapter was dedicated to revising the Provincial Statutes, along with certain policies, in order to bring them into conformity with the new Constitutions and General Statutes.
On July 1, various Guardians, heads of commissions and formators were elected. That evening, the deceased members of the Province were commemorated.
One of the major topics of the week was the relationship between the Mother Province and its Custody in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was decided to ask the General Curia for assistance in drafting a plan to redefine the structure of the Custody. The Minister Provincial and his Definitory were delegated to bring the plan to fruition.
Friar Jude WINKLER, Assistant General