On October 25-29, 2021, the Provincial Custody of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela conducted various formation meetings. They took place in the Custodial Curia in Guanare, Venezuela.
The meetings were led by the Provincial Custos, Friar Franklin A. DURÁN ZAMBRANO, the Custodial Econom, Friar Deiby Antonio VERGARA PALENCIA, the Delegate for Youth and Vocation Promotion, Friar Juan G. MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN and the Custodial Vicar, Friar Carlos R. ORTÍZ ROJAS. Further development of the topics was entrusted to Friar Jesús A. RAMÍREZ DURÁN, to the accountant, Marisol ESCALANTE and to Professor Emir APALMO.
3rd Meeting of the Economs (October 25-26, 2021)
The purpose of the meeting was to standardize concepts, update records and integrate accounts to improve the administrative system of the Custody, in response to Motion no. 3, approved at the 5th Ordinary Custodial Chapter in 2019, which indicates the revision and updating of certain financial and juridical matters in the Custody. With this objective, important issues were addressed and developed by Marisol ESCALANTE, including the definition and fundamentals of accounting; standardization of accounting tools and the registration of transactions; and basic financial statements such as the financial statement-income statement; the definition, obligations and use of non-profit accounting firms; and the revision, correction and printing of the financial reports of the friaries.
4th Meeting of Vocation Ministers (October 27, 2021)
The objective of this meeting was to offer psychological tools to refine the criteria for offering vocational guidance, and for the self-evaluation of the progress made so far in the light of the Custodial Four-Year Plan for Vocation Ministry. Arguments were put forward by Professor Emiro APALMO (Educator, Counselor in the area of Psychopedagogy, psychologist, Post-Graduate Director at the University of Zulia [Venezuela] and a journalism student). He began his presentation by clarifying, and distinguishing between, the terms “vocation ministry”, “vocation animation” and “vocational guidance.”
He also addressed issues such as the status of youth in Latin America, as seen from the different generational patterns (Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation G and Generation Z), each of which represent major challenges in the field of youth and vocation ministry. Finally, Friar Juan MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN, along with his team of vocation ministers, reviewed the progress made so far in the last four years and projected future activities for this field of ministry.
2nd Meeting of Guardians and Pastors (October 28-29, 2021)
The purpose of this meeting was to offer formation to the Guardians and Pastors of the Custody and provide updating from the human, spiritual and charismatic perspective, so they might carry out their service with joy and generosity, in the difficult social, political and economic context of Venezuela. In addition to the Provincial Custos, Friar Franklin, the Assistant General for the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC), Friar Rogério PEREIRA XAVIER, also attended. Friar Rogério made a brief address offering support and encouragement to the Custody and the participants. Others present included Friar Carlos ORTÍZ ROJAS, Custodial Vicar, and Friar Jesús RAMIREZ, Novice Master.
Professor Emir APALMO addressed his presentation to the Guardians and Pastors present, namely, Friars Evelio CARVAJAL TOBÓN, José Luis AVENDAÑO MONSALVE, Luis MOLINA MÁRQUEZ, Juan MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN, Deiby VERGARA PALENCIA and Carlos ORTÍZ ROJAS). The professor spoke on the topics of spiritual paternity and authority in the context of the civil and ecclesiastical world and on the social doctrine of the Church. The meeting concluded with the friars making a self-evaluation of the service entrusted to them. They also reviewed the situation in each friary with regard to the 2019-2023 Custodial Four-Year Plan.
Friar Juan Gregorio MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN, Custodial Secretary