On November 29, 2018, the extraordinary Custodial Chapter of the Provincial Custody of St. Leopold and St. Nicolas of Flüe in Austria-Switzerland was celebrated at the Holy Trinity friary in Vienna, Austria.
All twenty-four capitulars were present together with the Custos, Friar Daniele BROCCA. Friar Bernhardin SEITHER, the Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany and Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ, the Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF), also took part in the Chapter.
The main theme was on the restoration of the cloister of the monastery of Graz, Austria, as well as its “Minoritensäle” two ancient refectories–for winter and summer–which today are used for different cultural events. In addition to this, the friars decided to increase the contributions for the Custody’s “senior” fund.
The Chapter began with a Mass commemorating the feast of All Saints of the Seraphic Order, during which all the friars present renewed their vows.
The previous day, November 28, the Assistant General for the CEF sat in on a session of the Custodial Definitory.
The celebration concluded on November 30, with the annual meeting of the guardians of the Custody.
Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ Assistant General for the CEF