On June 23, 2018, in Würzburg, Germany, a celebration took place to reopen the friary of Santa Croce which underwent general renovations. The friary is part of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany.
The renovation began in early August of 2016, under the direction of Friar Steffen BEHR.
More than 4,300 square meters [46,284 sq. ft.] and 23,000 cubic meters [812,237 cu. ft.] have been restored, which can be compared to an area equivalent to more than 25 family apartments.
Half of the friary will be rented out and the other half will be used as living space for the friars. This friary serves as the Provincial Curia; it has rooms for the Provincial offices and five or six guest rooms. It also serves as a post-novitiate house with five rooms for post-novices. Finally, it is a friary, with rooms set aside for sick and elderly friars. Altogether, there are eighteen rooms for friars, with large, wheelchair-accessible bathrooms.
The reopening ceremony began with Mass presided over by the Most Reverend Urlich BOOM, Auxiliary Bishop of Würzburg. After the Mass, a solemn concert was performed by “Duo 51” (harp and violin). Those attending included the guardian, Friar Josef BODENSTEINER; Bishop BOOM; the Minister Provincial, Friar Bernhardin SEITHER; the architect, Mr. Rainer KRIEBEL; the Mayor of Würzburg, Mr. Christian SCHUCHARDT; and finally the Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF), Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ.
After the celebrations, the participants were invited to an “imbiss” – a lunch in the cloister. Eventually, they broke up into smaller groups in order to take guided tours of the renovated friary.
For the sake of thoroughness, one should clarify that the friary and the Province have leased property to a hotel. Work for the hotel is still ongoing in the friary courtyard.
Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ, Assistant General for the CEF