In November of 2019, Friar Jude WINKLER, the Assistant General for the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF) conducted three formation meetings in Zambia. One meeting was for the country’s bishops; another was for Zambia’s Conventual Franciscan novices and the third was for its Conventual Franciscan postulants.

On November 7-14, Friar Jude preached at the spiritual retreat for the Episcopal Conference of Zambia. The retreat was held at the Mt. Zion Retreat House in Lusaka. The theme of the retreat was centered on the Gospels of Matthew and John. Focus was placed on the Gospel of Matthew because it will be the text proclaimed on Sundays during the next Liturgical Year A. An examination of the Gospel of John was essential in order to talk about the spiritual life of the bishops.
On November 18-20, Friar Jude presented a symposium on the Gospels and psalms to the six novices of the Province of the Franciscan Protomartyrs in Zambia. The presentation took place at the novitiate in Garnerton, in the Diocese of Ndola. The current Novice Master is Friar Ryan MUTAYOMBA.
On November 21-22, Friar Jude led a formation meeting for the postulants at the St. Joseph, Spouse B.V.M. Friary in Kalumbwa, also in the Diocese of Ndola. Friar Joseph KACHELEWA is the Rector of the postulancy program. However, he will soon be moving to the Seraphicum College in Rome to serve as a formator and a member of the General Secretariat for Formation (SGF). Friar Joseph MUKUKA will take his place as Rector. There are nineteen postulants at this time: Four are in their second year and fifteen in their first year. Of those, fourteen are from Zambia and one from Angola.

Friar Jude WINKLER, General Assistant for the CFF