On January 13-17, 2020, the Provincial Custody of St. Leopold and St. Nicolas of Flüe in Austria-Switzerland celebrated its Ordinary Provincial Chapter at the Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit Friary in Vienna, Austria.
The Presider, Friar Andreas Murk, Minister Provincial of the Mother Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany, opened and led the Chapter. The Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF) Friar Dominique MATHIEU introduced the first part of the Chapter with a reflection on “Fraternal Life.” Then, Chapter reports were presented. In the days that followed, the friars discussed the reports in groups and in plenary assemblies, with the aim of arriving at proposals to strengthen the life of the Custody over the next four years.
There was also a visit to the library of the friary in Vienna, called “the central library”, because it collects the library resources of the friaries in Vienna, namely, Asparn, Neunkirchen, and Graz. The librarian gave an idea of his work, showed some notable documents and gave a tour of the place.
On the eve of electing the Custos, the friars gathered for Eucharistic adoration. In keeping with the day’s reading from the First Book of Samuel: “Speak, for your servant is listening,” the Capitulars asked God for new vocations and prayed that the Lord would illuminate them with his Spirit and guide them during the election.
On January 16, the friars elected Friar Dariusz ZAJĄC as Custos. Friar Dariusz is from the Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland (Cracow). He was born on July 19, 1968, in Piaseczno, Poland. He entered the Order of Friars Minor Conventual in 1988. He professed his temporary vows on September 24, 1989, his solemn vows on October 4, 1993, and was ordained to the priesthood on June 29, 1998. After the election, all the Capitulars went in procession from the restored cloister to the church singing the “Te Deum” (Great God we praise you). In the church, the new Custos stood before the Provincial Minister and professed his faith in God, his faithfulness to the Church and his obedience to the charism of our Order. The friars then warmly expressed their recognition of him in words and signs. On the afternoon of January 16, the government of the Custody was completed with the election of the new Custodial Definitory. It is comprised of Friar Adrian COŞA (Vicar, first term); Friar Liviu-Ionuţ NECULAI (Secretary, first term); Friar Maximilien SAUGE (Definitor, first term); and Friar Nicholas THENAMMAKKAL (Definitor, first term). The new Definitory, met for its first session the same evening. Its members are a typical reflection of the multi-cultural communities that make up this Jurisdiction.
Let us pray for their service and for the good of the Provincial Custody. The second part of the Chapter will be celebrated on March 8-13, 2020, once again in Vienna.
Further information on this Chapter can be found at: https://www.cordeliers.ch/kustodialkapitel/
Dominique MATHIEU, Assistant General for the CEF
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