On July 10-13, 2023, a continuing formation meeting of the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. in Brazil took place at the Casa de Emaús, a retreat center run by Benedictine monks in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The theme of the formation meeting was “Journeying towards Maturity in the Experience of God.” It was developed by the retreat leader, Father Alfonso GARCÍA RUBIO, a diocesan priest. Father Alfonso was born in Spain in 1934, and has been a resident of Brazil since 1959. The theme of the meeting was taken from the title of a book written by Father Alfonso. The retreat was a time of deep reflection, sharing, fraternity and prayer.
Father Alfonso guided the reflection towards the theology of being a source. Becoming a source of light, rather than a reflection, requires discernment. It means rethinking our reality, both theologically and pastorally. It means bringing the interpretation of Scripture into the reality of fraternal life, pastoral care, mission, formation and prayer. It means understanding that faith involves the whole believer, touching every part of the human person. Deep down, men and women of faith know the difference between faith and religious expression. Faith is continuous and inexhaustible. Religious expression may change according to culture and time. However, it is essential that the believer bears witness to his faith by listening to the Word of God and practicing what is written in it.
On July 11, the friars participated in the solemn liturgy at the São Bento Monastery in Rio de Janeiro, presided over by the Abbot, Father Filipe DA SILVA, OSB. During the retreat, the friars formed small groups to read and reflect on the Four-Year Custodial Plan with the aim of implementing, even better, the commitment to place our Conventual Franciscan charism at the service of all God’s people—in our friaries and parishes and in our formation and missionary settings.
Friar Willian Gomes MENDONÇA, Custodial Secretary
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