On Sunday, July 23, 2023, the Solemnity of St. James the Apostle, the Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile celebrated 462 years of service to the city of Santiago, Chile. During the Mass, presided over by His Eminence, Cardinal Celestino AÓS BRACO, OFM Cap., twenty-five lay and consecrated pastoral workers were awarded the “Cruz Apóstol Santiago” Medal for their witness to God and their creative proclamation of the Gospel in service to the local Church and society.
Among those decorated was our confrere Friar Tullio PASTORELLI. He was accompanied by the friars of the community in Santiago, namely, Friars Augustin BUDĂU, Matteo MARTINELLI and Ramón ZÁS GARCÍA as well as the faithful of the local Inmaculada Concepción Parish. Friar Tullio had distinguished himself for his years of youth and vocation ministry in Curicó, Chile. He also served as a Pastor, Guardian and Provincial Delegate. Moreover, he was noted for his witness of faith and love for Jesus and the Church, even in the midst of suffering and illness.
Among his many virtues were his fidelity to the spirit of minority and simplicity, his devotion to God’s pilgrim people and his witness to the Franciscan charism. His joy of living his vocation was contagious and invited many people to experience the same feeling even in the midst of difficulties.
During the ceremony, the twenty-five people being decorated professed their faith and pledged to continue their collaboration with the Church. At the end of the celebration, the cardinal blessed those present and sent them forth to proclaim the Good News to the city.
Friar Tullio was born in Coredo, Italy, on September 1, 1963. He was ordained a priest on September 4, 1999, and has served in the Provincial Delegation to Chile since 2007.
Friar Tullio’s example of Franciscan life is a source of pride among the friars of Chile. They are proud to have him among their ranks.
Friar Jakobus GINTING