On July 8-12, 2019, the friars of the Provincial Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia met together for a spiritual retreat at the Diocesan Seminary of Santa Croce, in the municipality of Caldas, in Antioquia.
Friar Valentín REDONDO, OFM Conv., led this year’s spiritual retreat for the solemnly professed friars of the Custody. Friar Valentín is from the Province of Our Lady of Monserrat in Spain and is a former Assistant General for the Federazione Intermediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP). His experience gained during the process of renewing the Constitutions of the Order helped guide the friars in reflecting and meditating on the invaluable text of our Constitutions, which guides and directs the Order as it faces the challenges of the contemporary world. In the fraternal and joyful atmosphere of the retreat, the friars rediscovered the charism of the Order, which remains especially relevant and meaningful for everyone when it is lived with passion, determination and fidelity.
The friars of the Custody thanked God Most High for this meeting, which was held in a climate of dialogue, intimacy and joy. It helped the friars to follow Christ in the style of our Seraphic Father St. Francis, and to become, more and more, living witnesses of the Gospel in the fraternities of the Provincial Custody of Colombia.
The Custodial Secretaria