On January 14, 2025, the common novitiate of the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC) began its canonical year with the vesting of the new novices. The event took place in the chapel of the St. Maximilian Kolbe Friary in Itagüí, Antioquia Department, Colombia, a presence of the Provincial Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia. The new novices are: Friar Luis Bernardo MERCADO ORELLANA from the Provincial Custody of Mary, Mother of Mercy in Central America, and Friars Ediver Gerardo LAME LEÓN and José Gabriel HERNÁNDEZ CAMPO from the Provincial Custody in Colombia.
The ceremony took place during the recitation of Evening Prayer, presided over by the Provincial Custos, Friar Sidifredo de la Cruz CHAPARRO GUALDRÓN. The Custos urged the friars to live this year of grace with intention, deepening their understanding of the evangelical principles of the Franciscan charism, as they strive to conform themselves to Christ.
Others present at the ceremony included the Novice Master, Friar Pedro Pablo BERMUDÉZ; the Rector of Postulants for the Custody of Central America, Friar Grevin Oliver SIERRA RIVERA; some friars; and the relatives of the new novices, who supported them during this fundamental moment for the fraternity.
We wish the new novices a time of grace and great significance. May they allow themselves to be found by Christ during this journey of discipleship.
Earlier, on January 3, 2025, during Mass in the same chapel, a period of congrua probatio began for Friar Neider Luis TETAY SÁNCHEZ who was readmitted to the Order by the Minister General. He will live in the novitiate house during this year. We wish Friar Neider Luis a fruitful year, as he makes the values of the Kingdom his own.