On November 15-20, 2022, the International Board of Directors of Franciscans International (FI) met in New York City.

On November 16, the FI Council had the extraordinary opportunity to meet at the United Nations with Deputy Secretary-General, Amina J. MOHAMMED. During the meeting, Ms. MOHAMMED highlighted the important role that faith-based organizations play in promoting the rights and dignity of all people and respect for our common home.
The Deputy Secretary-General called on the FI Council to help senior UN staff to connect with local communities. The Council responded by assuring her of its help and support with those connections. Ms. MOHAMMED conveyed to the Council her deep faith in God in confronting the difficulties of work and life.
FI works with Franciscans and other local partners around the world to bring the voices of local communities to the UN, where FI provides a platform to advocate for concrete and positive change.
The Council members feel challenged and motivated by the faith-filled conversation they had at this level at the UN, and they look forward to providing further opportunities for all Franciscans and their local communities to connect with UN resources.

Friar Joseph Kwame BLAY