On October 11-16, 2018, the General Delegate for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (GPIC), and the Secretary General for Missionary Animation (SGAM), were in South Korea for various meetings.
Friar Joseph BLAY (GPIC) and Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI (SGAM) visited two formation houses (Ganghwa and Daegu) and two friaries doing social and pastoral ministry (Gimpo and Incheon). They all belong to the Province of St. Maximilian M. KOLBE in South Korea. The men undergoing formation in this Province were given presentations on the methods and goals of GPIC and on missionary work as an integral part of our Franciscan charism.
It was touching to see the choices the friars have made in helping restore human dignity to the least of Korean society. In Gimpo, the friars operate a nursing home for the disabled. Friar Stefano LIM is its guardian and director. Together with various collaborators, he takes care of sixteen people affected with autism. In Incheon, the Korean Province provides care for seven elders, including a ninety-four year old who has lived with the friars for thirty years. Friar Michele JEONG is the director of that program.
In both communities, the friars share their lives as much as possible with the people they serve. In particular, they all participate in prayer, meals and recreation together. The government of South Korea greatly appreciates the work the friars are doing and actively supports it.
Friar Joseph BLAY, Delegate General for GPIC