We invite every friar to read the third issue of the Order’s newsletter this year, which covers July-September, 2020.

From the Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, you will find the Executive General Decree on the Sabbatical Period for friars (p. 4). The section concerning the General Offices (pp. 10-25) features news on the Episcopal Ordination of Friar Marco TASCA (pp. 11-13) and of Friar Nicolai Gennadevich DUBININ (p. 17); and the return of our brother Bishop Friar Petko Jordanov CHRISTOV to the house of the Father CHRISTOV (pp. 20-21).

Next, there are pages dedicated to the Federations (pp. 27-72). From the African Federation of Conventual Franciscans (AFCOF) we highlight the 20th anniversary of our Conventual Franciscan presence in Burkina Faso (p. 33-34). From the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF) we feature the formation week held in Croatia (p. 37); From the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF) we have news on the “Little Portion Farm” in Baltimore, Maryland, USA (p. 39). From the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC) we highlight the 25th anniversary of our Conventual Franciscan presence in Chile (p. 45). From the Federation of Asian Minors Conventual (FAMC) we detail the launch of the Knight of the Immaculata magazine website in India (p. 52). From the Foederatio Europae Mediae et Orientalis (FEMO) we feature the erection of the new Provincial Custody of the Holy Cross in the Ukraine (pp. 56-57, 61). From the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP) there is news from Lebanon (pp. 65-66).

Finally, we offer pages on the Chapters celebrated by our Jurisdictions (pp. 73-80) and on personal statistics (pp. 81-82)

From the editorial staff