This year marks the 90th anniversary of the publication of the historic magazine “Il Missionario Francescano” [The Franciscan Missionary]. Founded in Assisi in 1933, its publication has never interrupted, except for two years during the Second World War (1943-45).

The magazine is the official journal of the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP) and deals with all of the missions of the Order. Since 1933, and up to the present day, it has been a “missionary sentinel” encouraging friars and benefactors to embrace Franciscan missionary spirituality as they journey with the universal Church.
This free magazine has been a voice for the missionary formation and information that has formed many generations of friars. It has become an ideal tool for communicating and dialoguing inwardly with our missionaries, who are present in forty countries around the world. It is also a tool for communicating outwardly with the many benefactors who support the missionary presences of the Friars Minor Conventual.
It is also an instrument of missionary animation. It can always be found in the reading rooms, archives, and libraries of our communities, in our parishes, and in our Conventual and extra-conventual rectories.
Over the years, the magazine has gone from being a monthly publication to a bimonthly one and finally, a quarterly one. The magazine is a source of news covering formation matters useful for missionary animators; updates on the Missionary Center and reports on the various missions; and profiles on the individual presences that carry out our historical “plantatio Ordinis” in different countries.
Dialoguing with readers and benefactors is important for highlighting our many projects, which need concrete assistance.
Over the last ninety years, there have been several editors-in-chief. The first was Friar Domenico STELLA (1933-38). Then the editorial offices were transferred from Assisi to the General Curia in Rome with Friar Giuseppe ABATE taking over as editor–in-chief. After the Second World War, the next editor-in-chief was Friar Giovanni BASTIANINI, followed by Friars Angelo RICCI, Gentile DE SANTI, Salvatore ZAVARELLA (OFM), Nicola GIANDOMENICO, Vittorio TRANI, Giambattista BUONAMANO and Friar Paolo FIASCONARO, as of 2013. The editorial offices themselves have been relocated to various places: Assisi, the General Curia and Casa Kolbe in Rome, Zagarolo, the Santi Pietro e Paolo Friary in Rome and today, the Santa Dorotea Filial House in Rome.
In 2014, the General Curia, which had owned the magazine since 1933, transferred ownership to the Franciscan Missionary Center ONLUS [a non-profit organization].
Today at the Missionary Center, you can consult seventy-four bound volumes of The Franciscan Missionary. The volumes offer a wealth of information on the history of the missions of the Order.
The magazine continues its objective to spread the missionary and Franciscan message. We hope the publication will increase the missionary spirit in our confreres, a spirit that must animate all pastoral activity in every area of evangelization.

Director of the Missionary Center