On January 15-19, 2024, the Minister General and his Definitory conducted their annual meeting with the newly elected Ministers Provincial, Custodes and Secretaries. Because there were fewer attendees this year, the meeting was held at the General Curia in Rome, where the participants could enjoy the family atmosphere of the Friary of the Twelve Holy Apostles.
The participants came to Rome from several Jurisdictions of the Order. The Province of St. Francis of Assisi in Kenya was represented by its Minister Provincial, Friar Hillary Omondi RADUK and its Provincial Secretary, Friar Paul Njuguna KIARIE. The Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany was represented by its Provincial Secretary, Friar Mateusz KOTYŁO. The Province of St. Francis in Brazil was represented by its Minister Provincial, Friar José Hugo da Silva SANTOS. The Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. in Brazil was represented by its Custos, Friar Carlos Roberto de Oliveira CHARLES and its Secretary, Friar Willian Gomes MENDONÇA. The Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Brazil was represented by its Secretary, Friar Marcelo BORGES DA SILVA. The Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in India was represented by its Minister Provincial, Friar Michael EARALY and its Secretary, Friar Patrick VARGHESE (KANNADAN). Finally, the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. in Slovakia was represented by its Custos, Friar Martin M. KOLLÁR.
The newly elected officials took part in a well-established and well-rounded training program. The program began by studying ways to lead the friars in the light of our charism (Friar Joaquín AGESTA CUEVAS), and how to be able to exercise, as friars and for the friars, the service of authority (Friar Marco TASCA, Archbishop of Genoa). The way that Friars Marco and Joaquín presented their material was much appreciated, because they drew on their own experience and spoke in a manner that was direct and familiar. The program for the newly elected representatives continued with presentations from the best of our local experts. The Procurator General, Friar Maurizio DI PAOLO, talked about the “Promptuary” and how to handle delicate situations. The General Exactor, Friar Leszek ŁUCZKANIN, a member of the General Financial Office, gave a presentation on the economic status of the Order and promoted responsible and solidarity-based financial practices. The Head of Statistics and Editor of Commentarium Ordinis, Friar Silvestru BEJAN, taught the friars about the importance of statistics and being punctual about reporting them. The Order’s General Delegate for Communications, Friar Alejandro PALACIOS VÁZQUEZ, discussed the importance of curating and collaborating on news articles concerning the Conventual Franciscans. The General Archivist, Friar Domenico CASTIGLIONE, explained what the archive is and how it is managed. The Coordinator of the Projects Office, Friar Valerio FOLLI, taught the friars about developing concrete projects in the name of sustainability and sharing. The Postulator General, Friar Zdzisław KIJAS, talked about supporting the causes of canonization for our confreres while also tending to our own holiness.
There was no final exam, but you could tell from the faces of the newly elected that they were grateful for this training period, which proved to be an opportunity for fraternity and a useful school for learning how to serve the brothers of their Jurisdictions.
Friar Giovanni VOLTAN