In July of 2020, three young confreres from the Province of Mary Immaculate in Indonesia took part in their second novitiate experience, in view of solemn profession.
This month of preparation was held in the Santo Antonius dari Padua Formation House and Novitiate in Tiga Dolok, Sumatra. The participating confreres were Friars Agustinus Krisantus KEFI; Abdiwa Agung PERANGINANGIN; and Randy SEMBIRING. The experience was led by the current Novice Master, Friar Albino Dos Reis DA COSTA. The month was quite intensive and was divided into two parts. The first two weeks offered insights into Franciscan life and focused on the choice of one’s definitive profession of vows and other topics. The last two weeks, the more spiritual part, was dedicated to undertaking a spiritual retreat. In particular, the friars learned more about various topics. Friar Yoseph Ariwibowo DJAKA gave a lecture on the Conventual Franciscan charism; Friar Antonius Yulius YULIANTO talked about the Constitutions and the Rule; Friar Longinus JUDUNG spoke about the relationship between sexuality and consecrated life; and Friar Fictorium Natanael GINTING lectured on the writings of St. Francis and the history of the Order. The spiritual retreat was led by Friar Longinus JUDUNG. The experience ended with a meeting with the Minister Provincial, Friar Cornelius Tri Chandra FAJARIYANTO.
On August 6, 2020, the Minister Provincial presided over Mass at the Santa Katarina dari Siena Formation House in Tiga Juhar, Sumatra, where he welcomed the new postulants. There are thirty postulants; nine in their first-year and twenty-one in their second-year. Due to the large group, it was decided to set up new headquarters for the second-year postulants. This year, they will be housed at the Santo Josef Friary in Delitua, Sumatra, under the guidance of Friars Maxinimus NEPSA and Boby Robertus HERMANTO. The first-year postulants will stay at their current headquarters in Tiga Juhar, led by Friar Yoseph Ariwibowo DJAKA.
We thank God for these brothers of ours and we pray for their perseverance in the Franciscan vocation.
Friar Fictorium Natanael GINTING