On February 18, 2023, the Pontifical Theological Faculty of St. Bonaventure (Seraphicum) in Rome hosted students enrolled in the Joint Diploma program which studies the life and history of the best-known religious families in the Church.
This fine initiative was promoted by Rome’s Teresianum Pontifical Faculty. The Seraphicum, in collaboration with Rome’s Antonianum Pontifical University, carried out this study day.
It should be noted that every academic institution governed by religious is called to present its specific charism throughout the academic year. The lectures at this event were focused on St. Francis, St. Clare and the history of Franciscanism. At the end, there was an interesting afternoon panel discussion which gave the participants an opportunity to exchange views.
Next, there was a tour of the Seraphicum followed by the recitation of Evening Prayer. This concluded what was, in the students’ view, an intensive and productive day. The participating lecturers worked harmoniously together. They were Friar Bernardo MOLINA, OFM Cap.; Friar Wiesław BLOCK, OFM Cap.; Sister Diana PAPA; Friar Carlos SALTO SOLÁ, OFM; Friar Emil KUMKA, OFM Conv.; and Friar Raffaele DI MURO, OFM Conv.
Friars Emil KUMKA and Carlos SALTO SOLÁ led the course. Special thanks to the Antonianum Pontifical University for its valued and continuing collaboration in preparing and implementing this event.
Friar Peter PIKULÍK