On October 11-14, 2021, the Province of St. Francis of Assisi in Kenya celebrated its first Extraordinary Provincial Chapter.
The friars of the Province gathered at the Mary, Mother of God Retreat House (Center for Peace and Reconciliation) at the National Marian Shrine in Subukia, Kenya. The Chapter was presided over by the Minister Provincial, Friar Obed Muriungi KAROBIA, who also presided over the inaugural Mass of the Holy Spirit. Friar Anthony Bezo KUTIERO, the Assistant General for the African Federation of Conventual Franciscans (AFCOF), delivered the opening address and conveyed a message of greetings and best wishes from the Minister General, who expressed his joy at the important step that the Province is taking in examining its Provincial Statutes.
During the Chapter, the friars observed a moment of silence in honor of the deceased Friar Kizito Musonda NYENDWA from the Province of the Franciscan Protomartyrs in Zambia. The Lord called Friar Kizito to Himself on October 10, 2021, just as the Chapter was about to begin. On the third day of the Chapter, the Capitulars took a three-hour break to join with the nearby parish community in participating at the funeral Mass in suffrage of the late Simon KARIUKI, a catechist who served at the Subukia Shrine for many years and who was a dear friend of the friars of Kenya.
The Chapter proved to be a time of grace as it gave the friars the opportunity to study and familiarize themselves with the new Provincial Statutes. Their insightful contributions and openness to the fraternal spirit made the Chapter a great success.
Friar Pius Mutisya MUSYOKA, Provincial Secretary