The year 2025 will be a year of grace for us Franciscans, marking the 800th Anniversary of the composition of the Canticle of the Creatures and the Holy Year of the Universal Church.

These two events inspire us to deepen our engagement with the Church and help us understand and share Francis’ message through meaningful spiritual and cultural initiatives. St Francis composed the text of the Canticle of the Creatures a year before his death, while he was nearly blind. In 2025, we will celebrate the 800th anniversary of the composition of this pinnacle of Italian poetry and provide an opportunity to sing the “Praises of God Most High” in squares, theaters, and churches during concerts performed by the renowned singer-songwriter Angelo BRANDUARDI.
This concert event is sponsored by the Franciscan Family of Italy and was successfully tested during the 2000 Jubilee Year with more than 150 concerts across Italy and Europe. These concerts will also be repeated during the 2025 Jubilee Year when the artist and his orchestra will present “L’infinitamente piccolo” [Infinitely Small]. The concert will feature eleven songs composed in collaboration with Ennio MORRICONE, Franco BATTIATO, the musical ensemble Madredeus, and the folk group La Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare. The very popular song based on the Canticle of the Creatures will be performed as well.
In order to relaunch this event, the current President of the Franciscan Family of Italy, Friar Gaspare LA BARBERA, has petitioned the Ministerial Committee of the Franciscan Centenaries to sponsor three concerts: one at the Vatican, one in Assisi, and one during the Youth Jubilee in Tor Vergata [Greater Rome]. We are awaiting a response. To advance this project, the Presidential Council of Ministers Provincial representing the Friars Minor, Friars Minor Conventual, Friars Minor Capuchin and the Third Order Regular, appointed Friar Paolo FIASCONARO to manage relations with the organizers. Friar Paolo recently sent a letter to all of the Franciscan communities in Italy, as well as to members of the Secular Franciscan Order, and various other Franciscan entities worldwide, asking them to invite the artist to perform at patronal festivals, cultural events, and summer festivals. The goal is to share the values of Laudato si’ with a broader audience, in public squares and theaters, featuring a secular singer-songwriter who attracts believers and non-believers alike, a performer who appeals to youth and other admirers. Furthermore, the friars are invited to request concerts from public entities (municipalities, provinces and regions) in order to celebrate the 2025 Jubilee Year, and at the same time, relaunch the Canticle of the Creatures for its 800th anniversary. All of the concerts to be held will be performed for charity, to benefit Franciscan missions worldwide.

Delegate of the Franciscan Family of Italy