On November 14-16, 2018, the Province of the Seraphic Father St. Francis in Italy (Naples) conducted an Extraordinary Provincial Chapter, as called for by its Ordinary Provincial Chapter (Paestum, July 2017). The opening liturgy took place at the “Centro Don Giustino” retreat facility in Naples and began with invocations composed by the Seraphic Father. The theme of the Chapter was: “All You Peoples, Sing a New Song!”
As a sign of the Order’s care for this Province, those attending included the Minister General, Friar MARCO TASCA, the Procurator General, Friar Maurizio DI PAOLO and the Assistant General for the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP) Friar Joaquìn AGESTA CUEVAS.
In all, it was a fraternal experience, as seen during liturgical prayer, discussion groups, breaks, and at the table. Collegiality was evident in the choices that were made and approved, which will guide the future of the Province.
The introductory report by the Minister Provincial, Friar Cosimo ANTONINO, offered the Capitulars some useful material: a review of the works of the Province (Radio Kolbe, the Liturgical Center, various magazines, etc.), criteria for discernment (fraternal life, pastoral ministry, historical memory, heritage, planning) and projects to be strengthened or realized as a Provincial fraternity.
The projects in progress are [in Italy]: the evangelization center in Benevento, the youth ministry center in Montella, cultural center in San Lorenzo Maggiore, the vocation promotion and formation center in Nocera, and the spirituality center in Ravello. Special attention will be given to parish animation at the friary of the Immacolata al Vomero and the “Casa della Carità” charity house next to the small church known as “Little Pompeii. Next, the Capitulars focused on a suggestion taken from the new Constitutions of the Order: engaging in Marian and Kolbean animation, probably with the help of the Father Kolbe Missionary Sisters. Although the sisters will be leaving their convent in Mondragone, they intend to remain in the Italian Province of Campania.
The final motions the Capitulars voted on and approved, concerned: 1) The priority to be given to the “New Evangelization” to be instituted in Benevento, with the management of the liturgical center and the use of all necessary resources, such as magazines, radio, and other means; 2) The development of a provincial work at the “Little Pompeii”, as part of the “Casa della Carità” charity house, to offer needed hospitality to parents whose children are hospitalized at the Santobono children’s hospital.
As for the practical realization of these projects, the Chapter assembly gave the mandate to the Minister Provincial and his Definitory, with the faculty to reformulate the presences of the friars as they see fit, resorting, if necessary, to the possible suppression of certain friaries.
Among the various presentations at the Chapter there was an interesting film made by Friar Paolo GALANTE on the activities of Montella (Italian Province of Avellino) at a location now known as the “Insula Franciscana”. Friar Giuseppe CAPPELLO offered a detailed and precise, overview on Radio Kolbe (“The Other Radio”) and Friar Gennaro BECCHIMANZI offered some stimulating initiatives in his presentation entitled “In … canto” .
The Chapter concluded with the taking of a group photo.