A new book by Friar Pietro MARANESI, OFM Cap., entitled “Dear Leo, I Am Writing to You – Francis’ Autographs: The Remembrance of a Great Friendship” is available from Edizioni Messaggero Padova publishing.
At the heart of the book are two relics of our Seraphic Father: the Note to Brother Leo in Spoleto and the Chartula of Assisi. The book focuses on the deep friendship between Brother Leo and Francis. Both of the ancient texts have been zealously preserved. All followers of St. Francis will recognize their vital importance, which goes far beyond the simple fact that the texts were written by the hand of our founder. They are linked to a special friendship that must be understood and updated. St. Francis was not only a teacher of life, but above all, a brother leading others to Jesus Christ.
Friar Pietro helps us to understand all this, particularly in Chapter I: Francis’ Two Autographs. Chapter II: “The Note of Advice” and Chapter III: “The Chartula of Blessing,” offer a historical, literary and existential examination of the two relics. The book’s last chapter, “A Story That Continues to Console,” features an updated version of St. Francis’ message, which will be of interest to all readers, especially those brothers and sisters who follow the Franciscan charism.
For a more detailed understanding, the book’s opening pages and index can be read on the website:
http://www.edizionimessaggero.it/ita/catalogo/scheda.asp?ISBN=978-88-250-4959-6 .
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