On Saturday, July 11, 2020, the episcopal ordination of our former Minister General, Friar Marco TASCA, will take place in Genoa, Italy. Here is a brief explanation of his Gospel motto and the symbols he has chosen for his coat of arms.
Naturally, the coat of arms features the Franciscan symbol par excellence, the crossed arms of Christ and St. Francis of Assisi. Archbishop TASCA chose this symbol to remind everyone that he belongs to our charism and in particular to our Order of Friars Minor Conventual. It is no coincidence that St. Francis is wearing gray. Gray is the historical color of the Conventual Franciscan habit. It is still worn today, especially by our missionary friars.
We can also detect a Franciscan sensibility in the other two symbols shown on the shield: the Gospel and the broken bread.
The Rule of the Seraphic Father reminds us of the alpha and omega of Christian life. The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the very life of all the baptized, especially those who profess their vows in our charism.
The bread refers first of all to the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Church. However, it also reminds us that Friar Marco originates from the Italian Province of Padua. St. Anthony of Padua is famous throughout the world because of his miracles, his preaching and his “bread”, which represents charity expressed in real terms towards the most disadvantaged.
A final thought should be addressed to the motto, which summarizes what the new Archbishop of Genoa proposes. The text “show us the Father” is taken from John 14:8. It reminds us of our ultimate goal: to arrive at an encounter with the love of the Most High. We cannot forget that the Apostle Philip addressed this prayer to Jesus and it continues to resonate at the Friary of the Twelve Holy Apostles in Rome, where the mortal remains of the Apostles Philip and James are venerated. It is a prayer which resonates in the heart of Friar Marco as well.
May the Lord grant our confrere peace and all good in his new service.
Office of Communications