On February 7, 2023, a mission animation meeting was held in the Delegation in Paraguay, at its formation house in Asunción. On February 10 and 17, animation meetings took place in the Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Columbia, at its formation house in Bogotá and on February 13, at its formation house in Medellín.
Friar Dariusz MAZUREK, the General Delegate for Mission Animation, led the meetings. They were aimed at the postulants, novices and post-novices in these Jurisdictions and examined the topic of the mission of our Order in different parts of the world. Friar Dariusz also spoke about the missionary vocation and shared some of the basics of missiology. Moreover, in view of the Franciscan Centenary celebrations, he discussed the missionary dimension of Greccio, and pointed out some of the priorities of the mission of St. Francis and the early friars. He also stressed the importance of using social media as a tool to evangelize and to present our charism and charitable works.
The men in formation showed great interest in learning about the missionary reality of our Order around the world.
Let us ask Jesus, the Father’s Missionary, to awaken missionary vocations in our confreres.
Friar Dariusz MAZUREK, General Delegate for Mission Animation