The friars of the Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland (Cracow) have started taking part in the “Adopt a Doctor” initiative.
This initiative consists of a commitment to pray daily for a person engaged in healthcare during the coronavirus pandemic. The choice of who that person should be is left to the Lord.
This effort began in response to a letter from a doctor, who during her medical studies remained tied to the academic pastoral care of one of the friaries of the Province. “Following the development of the situation,” she wrote, “all I can do is ask you for prayer. I ask that you spiritually adopt a health worker through prayer: a doctor, a nurse, a technician, a hospital employee, etc. Any form of prayer is fine, as long as it is done regularly.”
The initiative has resonated widely through the media. Among those encouraging its practice is the Most Reverend Artur MIZIŃSKI, Secretary General of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate: “Let us show our appreciation for the great dedication of health workers,” the Archbishop said, “let us pray for them and their families and show them our gratitude and support.”
Friar Jan Maria SZEWEK