On January 5, 2025, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Miracles [Church of St. Anthony] in Poznań became the center of some spiritual experiences related to the inauguration of the 800th anniversary of St. Francis composing the Canticle of the Creatures.
The highlight of the opening ceremony was the reading of the Decree of the Holy See granting a Plenary Indulgence obtainable by any member of the faithful who makes a pilgrimage during the 2025 Jubilee Year to a church or friary belonging to the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Poland (Gdańsk). The Decree was first read in Latin by Dr. Andrea PAGANO of the Apostolic Penitentiary in the Vatican. Next the Minister Provincial, Friar Wojciech KULIG, read out a translation of the Decree.
Among other things, the Decree states: “On the occasion of the feast honoring St. Francis of Assisi, in which we celebrate the 800th anniversary of the composition of the song of praise by the Seraphic Father, known as the “Canticle of the Creatures” or the “Canticle of Brother Sun,” a plenary indulgence is kindly granted from the treasury of the Church […] which can be obtained by the friars and by all the faithful led by a spirit of penance and charity, during the 2025 jubilee year, from January 1st to December 31st.”
In his homily, Friar Wojciech encouraged the faithful to accept the gift of Indulgence through the Church, which administers the fruits of redemption, and distributes and legitimately grants reparation, from the treasury of the merits of Christ and the saints. While the sacrament of reconciliation absolves our sins, and we experience forgiveness, we must also consider how to make amends for the harm our sins have caused us, others and perhaps the communities where we live. This is where indulgence becomes essential, as it not only alleviates our temporal penalties but also those for whom we offer it, including those who have completed their earthly pilgrimage. Friar Wojciech urged everyone to take advantage of this indulgence throughout the entire year.
After the Mass, the participants heard a reflection entitled: “The Year of Grace from the Church’s Treasury.” In his lecture, Dr. Andrea PAGANO highlighted the role of Indulgences in the life of the Church and the importance of the Jubilee Year as a time of special grace and spiritual renewal. He reminded the faithful that a plenary indulgence is an expression of God’s mercy, which simultaneously calls Christians to repent, sincerely convert, and love their neighbors. He stressed that making a pilgrimage to a holy site is a sign of the Church’s unity and a response to the call to bear witness to the faith. Pilgrims of hope are primarily builders of peace. Caring for one’s neighbor, particularly the poor, through acts of charity, means being open to forgiveness. The practice of forgiving everyone, in the minor and major adversities of daily life, serves as a sign and witness.
Dr. PAGANO’s lecture was simultaneously translated from Italian into Polish by Friar Robert LEŻOHUPSKI, Rector of the church and Custodian of the Sanctuary.
Video presentation:
Lecture (in Italian with simultaneous Polish translation):