Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Brazil
Mother Province: Province of the Immaculate Mother of God in Poland (Warsaw)
On the occasion of the beatification of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe and the extraordinary spread of his fame of sanctity throughout the world, the Mother Province decided to open a new mission. After much deliberation, the friars chose Brazil. In 1974, friars from Poland opened a new presence in Brazil’s Central-West Region. The mission was made a Custody in 1983, and became a Province on May 31, 2003. The Jurisdiction has eighty-three solemnly professed friars, twelve simply professed friars, fifteen friaries, four filial houses, two missionary houses and one hermitage.
Brasilia: Friaries, Parishes, Seminary and Theological Institute
In 1980, the friars came to the Archdiocese of Brasilia and served at the São Marcos and São Luca Parish in Ceilândia (Federal District). In 1981, they founded the São Francisco de Assis Friary, Parish and Seminary. In 1995, they founded the São Boaventura Friary and Theological Institute (ISB).
Santa Maria: Friary and Major Seminary
In 2002, the friars founded the Santa Maria dos Anjos Friary and Pre-Novitiate Formation House (philosophy studies).
Cidade Ocidental: Friaries, Parish and Seminary
Three years after the friars arrived in Brazil, near the federal capital, they founded their first friary and mission headquarters here. The Imaculada Conceiçâo de Maria Jardim da Imaculada Friary was erected here in 1980 and made a formation house. It also became the headquarters of the Kolbe Publishing House and later, the headquarters of the Militia of the Immaculata in Brazil. Today the friars have the pastoral care of the Santo Antônio de Pádua Parish. In 2006, they erected the Santo Antônio de Pádua Friary. They founded a school here in 2001. In 2000, the chapel of the Imaculada Conceiçâo de Maria Jardim da Imaculada Friary was made into a shrine.
Novo Gama: Friary and Parish
In 1984, the friars began pastoral ministry in this area which would later become the Imaculada Conceiçâo Parish. In 1987, the friars erected the São Pedro Apóstolo Friary here.
Valparaíso de Goiás: Friary and Parish
In 2003, the friars erected the Santo Antônio de Pádua friary here. They perform pastoral ministry at the local São Francisco de Assis Parish.
Águas Lindas de Goiás: Friary and Parish
In 1998, the friars erected the Maximiliano M. Kolbe Friary here. The friars perform pastoral ministry at the São Maximiliano Parish and welcome men discerning a vocation.
Niquelândia: Friary and Shrine
In 1997, the friars arrived here and began pastoral ministry at the Santuário São José Parish and Friary.
Anápolis: Friary and Parish
The friars founded this presence in 2012, and erected the Santa Clara de Assis Friary in 2021. They maintain the life of the friary and perform pastoral ministry at the Santa Clara de Assis Parish.
Candeias: Friary, Parish and Marian Shrine
In 1990, the friars founded the Santuário de Nossa Senhora “das Candeias” Friary. They perform pastoral ministry at the Santuário de Nossa Senhora “das Candeias” Shrine Parish and are particularly attentive to the local Militia of the Immaculata group.
Feira de Santana: Friary and Parish
In 2006, the friars erected the São José de Cupertino Friary. They perform pastoral ministry at the Nossa Senhora de Fátima Parish.
João Pessoa: Friary and Parish
In 2006, the friars erected the Nossa Senhora Aparecida Friary and began performing pastoral ministry at the Nossa Senhora Aparecida Parish and the Matriz Mãe do Redentor Parish.
Ceilândia: Friary, Filial House and Parish
In 1980, the friars served here at the São Marcos e São Luca Parish. In 1993 they erected the São Marcos e São Lucas Friary. In 2018, the Santa Clara de Assis Filial House was created in the Sol Nascente neighborhood.
Manaus: Friary, Filial House and Parish
In 2021, the friars erected the Santa Edwiges Friary. They perform pastoral ministry at the Nossa Senhora das Mercês Parish and the Santa Edwiges Mission Area.
In 2022, the friars opened the Nossa Senhora Aparecida Filial House.
Aragominas: Filial House and Parish
In 2023, the Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro Parish was welcomed into the Diocese of Tocantinópolis, State of Tocantins.
Divinópolis: Filial House and Parish
In 2023, the Nossa Senhora do Carmo Parish was welcomed into the Diocese of Cristalândia, State of Tocantins.
Juruá: Mission House and Parish
The Nossa Senhora de Fátima Mission House and Parish got started in 2005, when the desire to found a Conventual Franciscan mission in the Amazon was realized with the arrival of Friar Agostino Stefan JANUSZEWICZ. In 2008, more friars were sent to continue the mission.
Tefé: Mission House and Parish
The friars have been doing pastoral ministry at the Santo Antônio Mission House and Parish since 2007.
Planaltina: Hermitage and Rest Home
In 2019, the Province established the São Miguel Arcanjo Hermitage and Rest Home. The facility is suitable for community living and spiritual retreats.
Franciscan Missionary Center
General Secretariat for Mission Animation