On August 9-13, 2021, the Province of St. Nicholas and St. Angelo in Italy (Puglia) celebrated the second part of its Ordinary Provincial Chapter at the San Francesco Center of Spirituality and Sociality in Bari, Italy.
On Monday, August 9, the Chapter began with Mass presided over by Friar Mauro DE FILIPPIS, the Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Bernardine and St. Angelo in Italy (Abruzzo). He was attending the Chapter as an auditor. The work of the Chapter began with the discussion of the Instrumentun laboris. The Capitulars continued discussing this document until Wednesday. They debated various issues and voted on motions that arose from their discussion. One of the most important results from the approved motions was the decision to establish a house for sick and needy friars at the Shrine of Santa Maria della Grottella in Copertino, Italy. The Capitulars discussed several topics, including the primacy of God; fraternal life; the process of unification with the Province of Abruzzo; youth ministry; the starting point of collaboration between the two Provinces; solidarity among the friaries of the Province; the reassignment of the holiday house to a third party manager at the San Francesco Center of Spirituality and Sociality; the approval of the Custodial Statutes of the Provincial Custody of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela; and the erection of the San Antonio de Padua Friary in Merida, Venezuela. The atmosphere during the Chapter was peaceful and aimed at improving the fraternal and Franciscan life of the Province.
On Wednesday, August 11, the Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, presided over Mass and invited the Capitulars to continue their journey with boldness and practicality. The Assistant General for the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP), Friar Giovanni VOLTAN, was a very positive, fraternal and reassuring presence.
On Thursday, August 12, the sixth session of the Chapter took place. At that time, the Guardians and the Presidents of the Commissions were elected. The newly elected Guardians are: Friar Gianni STRAFELLA for the San Francesco d’Assisi Friary in Bari (first term); Friar Fabio PACIELLO for the Madre della Chiesa Friary in Bari (first term); Friar Matteo ORNELLI for the San Giuseppe da Copertino Friary in Copertino (first term); Friar Giovanni FOGGETTA for the San Francesco d’Assisi Friary in Gravina (first term); Friar Vincenzo GIANNELLI for the San Francesco Antonio Fasani Friary in Lucera (first term); Friar Pedro Javier MORA ALVIAREZ for the Maria Santissima Annunziata Friary in Spinazzola (first term); and Friar Salvatore SANTOMASI for the San Massimiliano M. Kolbe Friary in Taranto (first term). The newly elected Presidents of the Commissions are: Friar Giuseppe DE STEFANO for the Franciscan Pastoral Ministry Commission (second term); Friar Fabio PACIELLO for the Finance Commission (second term); and Friar Giuseppe TONDO for the Ongoing Formation Commission (first term).
On Thursday, August 12, the new Guardians took their oaths of office during a celebration in the chapel of the Center.
On Friday, August 13, the last session was celebrated with the suffrage during Evening prayer of the friars who died during the 2017-2021 four-year term. With this last event, the 2021 Ordinary Provincial Chapter was concluded.
Friar Donato GRILLI, Chapter Secretary