From September 19 to October 3, 2019, members of the Franciscan Missionary Center of the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP) visited various mission settings belonging to the African Federation of Conventual Franciscans (AFCOF). The missions are located in Ghana and Kenya.
This visit was primarily an opportunity to meet the friars of ten missionary communities in both countries and to introduce the missionaries to the life and activities of the Center. The visit also provided an opportunity to participate in the first Provincial Chapter of the new Province of St. Francis of Assisi in Kenya, which was erected during the last General Chapter. The Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, presided over the Chapter.
The Director of the Franciscan Missionary Center, Friar Paolo FIASCONARO, conducted meetings with communities and houses of formation. During the meetings, he explained the ways in which the Missionary Center works with the Conventual Franciscan missions in forty countries around the world. These include projects, long-distance adoptions, and micro-projects (building wells, aiding schools, sending food and clothing). Furthermore, he pointed out how missionary animation is carried out among friars, benefactors and the faithful, in order to raise their awareness of the missionary sensibility that should animate all pastoral work. The Center was able update one of its presentations through the use of mass media, evangelization tools and direct knowledge of the life and activities of our missionaries. A very interesting meeting was held with 120 young men in formation. The participants included postulants, novices and clerical students. They asked questions and were interested in hearing how the initiatives of the Missionary Center are carried out.
The Director of the Center was accompanied by Mr. Roberto DAMIATA, a cameraman who documented the pastoral work of the friars at the various locations. His work will be compiled into two documentary films, one featuring Ghana and the other Kenya. The documentaries will highlight the enthusiasm and pastoral vitality of our missionaries. Today, all of the friars have made a concrete commitment to implement the Franciscan charism, to be “among and with the people” in order to bear witness to the legacy of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua and St. Maximilian M. Kolbe.
Lorenza CASSANELLI, Missionary Center in Rome