From April 18-30, 2018, Friar Damian PĂTRAŞCU, the Postulator General of the Order was in Romania and Hungary promoting two causes: the Venerable Servant of God Veronica ANTAL (1935-1958) and the Servant of God Friar Didák KELEMEN (1683-1744).
From April 18-25, Friar Damian attended several meetings in Nisiporeşti, Romania, with the committee for the preparation of the beatification of the Servant of God Veronica ANTAL. Her beatification is scheduled for September 22, 2018.
On Monday, April 23, Friar Damian was present for the exhumation of the Servant of God, the recognition and extraction of her relics, and the translation of her remains from the city cemetery, where she was buried sixty years ago, to the new crypt prepared inside the Church of the Dormitio Mariae in Nisiporeşti; a church in the care of our friars. Other participants included the Most Reverend Petru GHERGHEL, Bishop of Iasi, Romania; Friar Teofil PETRIŞOR, the Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Joseph in Romania, and other friars and faithful.
From April 26-30, Friar Damian went to the towns of Arad and Miszkolc, in Hungary. While there, he spoke with Friar Zsolt KALNA, the Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Hungary-Transylvania, and with other friars, about resuming the cause of the Servant of God Didák KELEMEN.
On Saturday, April 28, the Postulator attended some lovely events arranged to commemorate the death of the Servant of God: A small town square was dedicated in his honor. There was a short theatrical performance and the recitation of some poetry. A film documentary was shown. The day’s crowning event was a Mass which recalled our confrere’s holy life and highlighted the topicality of his message for us today.
Friar Damian PĂTRAŞCU Postulator General