From July 30 to August 7, 2020, the Province of St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. in Romania celebrated its 22nd Ordinary Provincial Chapter. The Chapter was held at the Sf. Francisc de Assisi Friary in Roman, Romania.
Due to the pandemic, both parts of the two-part Chapter were celebrated in succession. The Vicar General, Friar Jan MACIEJOWSKI, presided over the first part (July 30 – August 4).
The Chapter began with a morning of reflection, led by Friar Giovanni VOLTAN, the Assistant General for the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP). After reading the reports, the Capitulars divided into four working groups and evaluated the life and activities of the Province during the previous four years. The friars concluded their work with the approval of a final document that forms the basis of the Province Four-Year Plan during the second part of the Chapter.
During Evening Prayer on Saturday, August 1, the minutes were read concerning the election of the Minister Provincial by letter (June 19, 2020) and his confirmation by the Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI. After singing the hymn Te Deum, the newly elected Minister Provincial, Friar Damian-Gheorghe PĂTRAȘCU (first term), recited his profession of faith and the oath before the Chapter President.
On Monday, August 3, the members of the new Provincial Definitory were elected. They are Friars Ionel-Emilian DUMEA (Vicar Provincial); Francisc-Lucian GHERVASE (Provincial Secretary); and Cristian BLĂJUȚ, Lucian HORLESCU, Cristian DUMEA and Friar Vlad-Bogdan BEJAN (Definitors). Friar Fabian CĂTĂLIN was elected Provincial Econom and Friar Marius-Nicolaie SAVA, Provincial Exactor.
During the second part of the Chapter (August 5-7), certain specific topics were studied, a basic outline of the Province Four-Year Plan was drawn up and the Guardians were elected as were the heads of various Provincial offices.
Friar Carol Daniel SABĂU