On January 29-30, 2019, the government of the Province of St. Joseph in Slovenia held its annual meeting with the Guardians and Economs of the Province. The meeting took place at the friary of Blessed Anton M. SLOMŠEK in Olimje, Slovenia.
All the Guardians and almost all the Economs of the friaries of the Province were present. The meeting opened with greetings to all those present from the Minister Provincial, Friar Igor SALMIČ. This is the first year of the current Province Four-Year Plan (PPQ) whose theme is on the life of prayer. Therefore, after the Minister Provincial made his opening remarks, he yielded the floor to the Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF) Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ, who gave a lecture entitled: “The Status of the Life of Prayer in the CEF Federation and Temptations to Be Fought in This Regard”. After the lecture, reports were presented by the different Guardians followed by a brief “feed-back” session on the conference.
On the second day, the Economs presented their reports. Next, the Rector of the seminary in Ljubljana presented a report on the status of the post-novitiate, and finally, the Provincial Econom reported on the financial status of the Jurisdiction.
During the meeting, each of the Guardians listed the names of the friars in their communities who will be participating in the Province spiritual retreat, to be held in two sessions. This year, the retreat will be led by Friar Martin KMETEC, a member of the Custody of the Orient and the Holy Land originating from the Province of Slovenia.
Finally, on the second day, as per tradition, other friars of the Province joined the Guardians and the Economs to commemorate the confreres who celebrated name days and birthdays during the month of January.
Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ, Assistant General for the CEF