On May 1-2, 2018, Friar Bernhardin SEITHER, the Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany and Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ, the Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF) visited the friars of the Provincial Delegation of Holland. The Delegation belongs to the German Province.
The friars of the Delegation gathered in the Convent of the Franciscan Sisters in Dongen. Two of the friars are chaplains there. All but two of the Delegation’s friars participated in the Assembly, which was led by the Provincial Delegate, Friar Thijs MOONS. The meeting officially began on May 2 with Morning Prayer.
Various topics were discussed: the financial budget for 2017 and future prospects, the future of the house in Terbeek, the changes in the committees of the Delegation, help with printing the book about the meeting of St. Francis with the Sultan, animating the Secular Franciscan Order, the forthcoming pilgrimages to Assisi, etc.
Finally, the Assistant General for the CEF reported some news from the General Curia and talked about the status of the whole Order as well as the next Extraordinary General Chapter. The Minister Provincial, on the other hand, updated the friars on the status of the Province and the Provincial Custody of Austria-Switzerland.
The meeting ended with a solemn Franciscan prayer in the Sisters’ oratory. Lunch followed and there was some time for fraternal discussion.
On May 3, 2018, the Assistant General for the CEF and the Minister Provincial visited the friary in Würzburg. They confirmed that the restoration work on the friary has now entered its final phase.
Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ, Assistant General for CEF