On May 25-26, 2024, the National Assembly of the Militia of the Immaculata (M.I.) was conducted at the pastoral center of the San Francisco Friary in Barcelona, Spain.

Those attending the assembly included the M.I. International President, Miquel BORDAS PRÓSZYNSKI, the M.I. National President for Spain, Cristina MONSALVE, the M.I. National Assistant for Spain, Friar Jesús María JIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, the M.I. Assistants for Valladolid, Granollers and Barcelona, ​​and some militia members from various locations in Catalonia.
The M.I. group from Barcelona prepared the assembly program.
On Saturday morning, May 25, the participants visited the most important places in downtown Barcelona. In the afternoon, the participants officially began the work of the assembly. Father Luis PETIT gave the opening reflection entitled: “St. Maximilian: Only Love Creates.” Next, the M.I. National Assistant for Spain, Friar Jesús María JIMÉNEZ MARTÍNEZ, gave a lecture on the theme: “We Consecrate Ourselves Filled with Gratitude.”
That evening, the Most Reverend Javier VILANOVA PELLISA, Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona, presided over Mass. During the celebration, forty-three new members were admitted to the M.I., among them were a former Minister in the Spanish government and Bishop VILANOVA PELLISA himself. Before the Mass, the bishop asked: “Can I join the Militia of the Immaculata, too?” He was glad to hear the answer: “Of course!”
After a modest meal, the participants recited the Rosary in the friary courtyard.
On Sunday, May 26, after Morning Prayer in the church, the assembly continued its work with testimony from local communities,  as well as updates and plans regarding future activities. The assembly concluded with Mass concelebrated by all the M.I. Assistants. Lunch followed.
The assembly was very well organized by the M.I. group from Barcelona. It was carried out in a spirit of prayer and the participants felt great joy at being able to meet together.

Friar Marek WAWRZYSZKO, M.I. Assistant for Barcelona