On April 9-13, 2018, the Provincial Custody of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Tanzania held a formation meeting in Dar es Salaam.
The meeting was led by the Provincial Custos, Friar Dariusz SZYMBORSK. He extended an invitation to the General Econom, Friar Nicola Rosa and the General Exactor, Friar Wojciech KULIG, who also attended. The meeting covered financial and administrative issues. The friars were taught about the management of resources, accounting, financial statements and legal responsibility, in relation to the assets that are entrusted to the Custody. Furthermore, as directed by the Church, a presentation was made on the Guidelines for the Administration of the Assets in Institutes of Consecrated Life and in Societies of Apostolic Life. After exploring and discussing difficulties related to administrative and financial matters, the participants attended a presentation on rules for making decisions.
The meeting sessions took place in an atmosphere of fraternity and understanding and featured moments of common prayer.
Friars Nicola ROSA and Wojciech KULIG