On November 16-17, 2018, the Secretary General for Missionary Animation (SGAM) visited the Provincial Delegation in Uganda to engage in formation and spend some fraternal time together.
The SGAM Secretary General, Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI, visited the Conventual Franciscan fraternities in Uganda. On November 16, 2018, he visited Matugga and Kakooge. The next day he went to the postulancy house in Kampala.
While there, he made a presentation to the fraternity and the seventeen postulants. He spoke on the theme: “The Church Going Forth”, inspired by Pope Francis’ invitation of to the whole Church in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. He also spoke about his missionary service in Peru, the story of the martyrdom of Miguel TOMASZEK and Zbigniew STRZAŁKOWSKI and the Franciscan missionary spirituality.
Currently in the Delegation in Uganda [of the Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland, (Cracow)] the friars are distributed among the three above-mentioned friaries: Kakooge (parish and missionary presence), Kampala-Munyonyo (parish and National Shrine of the Ugandan Martyrs) and Matugga (parish and missionary presence).
The friars serve in the following capacities: pastoral care of catechists in the field of evangelization; care of the Shrine; vocations formation; parish ministry; pastoral health care ministry; and charitable work for the most needy.
The visit was a nice fraternal experience and an opportunity to strengthen brotherly bonds among the friars.
Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI, SGAM General Secretary